Health First 9/1/2017
Always forward thinking, the Viking Yacht Company's proactive healthcare and wellness initiatives for employees started over 30 years ago and continues to grow. In addition to having an onsite Medical Department and Viking Wellness Center physical fitness facility, Viking has just added SphygmoCor XCEL to its list of employee benefit programs. This program gives access to leading technology for central blood pressure and arterial stiffness measurements, as well as brachial blood pressure, to better inform and individualize blood pressure management.

SphygmoCor provides valuable information about the heart and arteries, and can help providers manage blood pressure to goal, potentially reducing damage to the heart, brain and kidneys. The results are key in making more informed treatment decisions.

"We are proud of our employee wellness program. With the addition of SphygmoCor, we now have a more advanced tool to help our employees better understand their cardiovascular risk. They can also use this information to track results of lifestyle modifications and other interventions," said Robert Healey, Sr., Chairman and CEO of Viking Group. "Employee health is important for many reasons, for everything from personal health to corporate productivity."
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